Very rare and of great historical interest
Los 1774
Constantius II, 337-361. Solidus (Gold, 20 mm, 4.42 g, 1 h), Arelate, November 360. FL IVL CONSTAN-TIVS PERP AVG Pearl-diademed, helmeted and cuirassed bust of Constantius II facing, his head turned slightly to right, holding spear in his right hand and with a shield, decorated with a horseman spearing a fallen foe, over his left shoulder. Rev. GLORIA REI PVBLICAE / KONSTAN Roma, helmeted, seated facing on the left, and Constantinopolis, turreted, seated to left with her right foot on prow on the right, holding between them a shield inscribed VOT / XXX / MVLT / XXXX; below shield, wreath. Depeyrot 8/1. RIC 280. Very rare and of great historical interest. Scattered light marks, otherwise, good very fine.

From the collection of a retired senior air force officer, ex Gorny & Mosch 211, 4 March 2011, 685 and Hirsch 5, 29 March 1955, 700.

This interesting issue was struck by Julian II for Constantius II in Arelate on the occasion of Julian's quinquennalia, which he celebrated in Vienna on 6 November 360. At that time, Julian was still in negotiation with Constantius II to get his acknowledgment as junior Augustus, a title he had single-handedly assumed a few months earlier. Constantius refused any agreement, but he suddenly died on 3 November 361, sparing the empire the dread of another civil war.
1000 CHF
800 CHF
3800 CHF
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